MAUI Learning Projects

ColorMaker Vid.wmv


A fun, quick project led by Hector Perez on his Udemy course: .NET MAUI course with Visual Studio 2022 creating PROJECTS

The XAML is comprised of a Grid container, which holds a stack layout that contains labels and sliders that display the amount of red, green, and blue being added into a HEX color creator. These sliders receive their power from the codebehind, enabling them to combine together to create HEX values by manipulating the slider values. Below the sliders is a random button, that generates a random HEX color, and then an image that, when clicked, copies the HEX value to the user's clipboard.

The codebehind is managed by way of a few methods:

PerfectPay Vid.wmv


Another great project led by Hector Perez on his Udemy course: .NET MAUI course with Visual Studio 2022 creating PROJECTS

This android app takes in a bill total, the amount of desired tip, and the number of people splitting the check. The program then calculates the amount of the bill that will be paid by each person. The XAML is comprised of a Grid container that is broken down into 2 sections, also Grid layouts. The top Grid holds the labels that display the pertinent bill information: the bill total (bill with tip), then a BoxView separating it from the information on the right half of the Grid, the subtotal (bill without tip), and the tip amount.

The bottom Grid container houses the functionality of the application:

The codebehind implements a method and the EventHandlers that make the application function:

CodeQuotes Vid.wmv


Another in-depth project led by Hector Perez on his Udemy course: .NET MAUI course with Visual Studio 2022 creating PROJECTS

The XAML on this project is fairly simple, with one Grid container holding the code for the entire application. The focus of this program is placed upon a label that displays quotes, a button that displays a random quote, and the imposition of a gradient background that is also randomized by the random quote button.

There are 2 additional resources added into this project:

The codebehind achieves the desired behavior as follows:

HangedmanGame Vid.wmv


A quick, fun game led by Hector Perez on his Udemy course: .NET MAUI course with Visual Studio 2022 creating PROJECTS

The XAML is contained in a single Grid with 2 rows. The first row is a Vertical Stack Layout where the controls for display are kept. The second row is a Flex Layout with Wrap and SpaceEvenly attributes, which allows the Bindable Layout to create a code-generated on-screen keyboard.

The codebehind is powered by a number of Methods that perform the functionality of the application:

BMICalculator Vid.wmv


An MVVM focused project led by Hector Perez on his Udemy course: .NET MAUI course with Visual Studio 2022 creating PROJECTS

The UI for this application is cleverly built out with Syncfusion 'gauges', allowing for a more visually satisfying look. The View is broken down into 3 portions: Height, Weight, and Result. Both Height and Weight implement LinearGauges with Sliders that update their own values and the Result value when the Sliders are moved. Result utilizes a RadialGauge broken down into each of the BMI categories that has a Pointer that updates with each of the Sliders, and has a Label that displays the BMI category dynamically.

The ViewModel simply implements the BMI Class to be used in the View. The BMI Model utilizes the PropertyChanged.Fody NuGet Package. This INCREDIBLY nifty Package adds the INotifyPropertyChanged Interface to a Class without actually requiring full implementation of the Interface itself. In doing so, a lot of code is spared from being written, which in turn makes the Class a much cleaner read.

UnitConverter Vid.wmv


This is a View navigation focused project led by Hector Perez on his Udemy course: .NET MAUI course with Visual Studio 2022 creating PROJECTS

There are 2 Views that establish the application:

ConverterViewModel handles the logic of the application, utilizing the UnitsNet and Fody Nuget Packages. UnitsNet houses the logic for conversions and Fody implements INotifyPropertyChanged without needing any additional code.

Calculator Vid.wmv


A project focused on Style led by Hector Perez on his Udemy course: .NET MAUI course with Visual Studio 2022 creating PROJECTS

The XAML is designed in the layout of a typical cell phone calculator, keypad at the bottom and results at the top. The buttons each use Commands to achieve their part of calculating whatever equation the user wants. The Style for the application is achieved by way of CalcDictionary, a Style dictionary that defines the aesthetic of the various Controls. Phone dark and light themes are also taken into consideration, with AppThemeBinding implemented into the Style Dictionary to ensure the application will function regardless of the user's theme settings.

The ViewModel achieves the calculator functionality for the app:

TaskerApp Vid.wmv


This is a CollectionView focused app led by Hector Perez on his Udemy course: .NET MAUI course with Visual Studio 2022 creating PROJECTS

MainView is the primary View for displaying the List of tasks:

NewTaskView allows the user to create new Categories and Tasks, then adds them to MainView

The ViewModels and Models implement Fody for ease of INotifyPropertyChanged, and a custom Style AppStyles was created for ease of styling and consistency.

WeatherApp Vid.wmv


This project focuses on the consumption of open-meteo's API to create a weather app, led by Hector Perez on his Udemy course: .NET MAUI course with Visual Studio 2022 creating PROJECTS

The UI is formatted to display data by way of binding to API specific Class Properties, implementing a CollectionView to display the future forecast, and utilizes LottieFiles to provide users with dynamic weather icons:

The backend is powered by WeatherViewModel, and implements Fody for INotifyPropertyChanged:

ProsperDaily Vid.wmv


This is a project focusing on the implementation of SQLite, led by Hector Perez on his Udemy course: .NET MAUI course with Visual Studio 2022 creating PROJECTS

NuGet Packages



